Little Essay by Tom Henegham



When Wada-san visited Joern Utzon’s house in Majorca, in 2016, she very kindly brought back to me a beautiful souvenir. It was a small piece of creamy-white colored stone, which she had picked up from Utzon’s site and had encased it in a screw-top glass jar. It looked wonderful standing on my book-shelf, next to a small piece of the Berlin Wall which another friend had given to me in 1990.


But, my exhibition of these stones did not last long – the stones soon disappeared from my shelves. They were taken – I think – by a student with very good judgement.


The important point to notice, I think, was that the books on my shelves were not stolen. Only my pieces of stone disappeared. The stones were ‘special’, or ‘magical’. They had a direct line to the spirit of Joern Utzon.


They were the ‘ACCESS POINTS’ that connect the conceptual and the physical worlds of architecture.


Tom Henegham